Finally: An Easy New Way To Date & F*CK Hot Younger Women...No Matter Your Age, Looks Or Income!

Finally: The Easy New Way To Meet And Date Hot, Sexy Younger Women...No Matter Your Age, Looks Or Income!

And You'll Do It Without Wasting Time Or Money, Without Feeling Awkward & Without Risking Rejection.

Hey, I’m Dave...

And just 90 seconds from now I’m going to let you in on something every younger woman is secretly obsessed with...

It’s Something She CRAVES, And She Can Only Get It From An Older Man!

Once you learn this, you can enjoy an endless selection of sexy, exciting women who will be eager to meet you…

They’ll even chase you and compete for your attention…

Or happily become your loyal, loving girlfriend.

But you’ll want to read this page closely before it vanishes forever…

Because if you’re ready to enjoy the best sex of your life with younger women, this will be the most important message you read all year.

I’m about to show you the simple, stress-free way to date the younger women you desire…

Without having to offer money or gifts…

Without feeling awkward or uncomfortable...

And without hiding your age. 

On this page, I'm going to show you why your age can be your ultimate advantage with younger women...

And how to use a simple, scientifically proven method that makes younger women feel irresistibly attracted to you.

It doesn't matter if you think you're "too old" or that it just isn't possible...

It doesn’t matter if you were married for years and now you’re single and "out of practice"…

And it doesn’t matter if you’ve been "dating your age" but wishing you could be having more sex and hotter sex with a younger woman, because... 

You're about to learn how to activate primal sexual triggers that are hard wired into her mind!

Not even one man in a thousand knows these triggers exist…

Yet when you know how to activate these triggers, your sexual possibilities become limitless.

Here's what two of my satisfied readers had to say… 

James B. from Austin,
TX said:

“Thanks for this! My wife had turned into a complete bitch. After we split up I was ready to go out and meet some women. But I was in for a rude surprise. The ladies I wanted weren’t into a guy my age. Then my friend showed me your website and everything changed. My new girlfriend is barely half my age and she’s wearing me out in bed. But it’s a great problem to have!”

Chris R. from London,
UK wrote:

“Last year I had a heart attack but it came with a silver lining. I stopped caring what anyone else thought and decided to focus on what I really wanted. That meant getting a younger girlfriend to share my life with. You showed me how! The flight attendant I’m dating now is the same age as my son, haha! He said to me the other day, ‘Dad, your girlfriend is SMOKING HOT.’ That made my day.”

Once you control her primal sexual triggers, you’ll
want to kick yourself for not learning this years ago…

Because sleeping with sexually adventurous younger women becomes fun and easy...

And you get to live in a "sexual paradise" that less than 3% of men your age will ever know! 

Imagine you're with a younger babe so hot she could cause a five-car pileup just walking down the street. 

Picture her in your mind...

And you've got her in your bedroom and she's hot and horny for YOU. 

Her skin smells like peach-scented moisturizer…

She’s got perfect, juicy melons with perky nipples…

A flat, toned stomach…

And when you peel off her panties she’s got a shaved, smooth pussy that tastes like bubblegum!

Turn her around... 

Look at that perfectly sculpted ass. It's all yours! 

Touch it. Squeeze it. Feel how firm it is…

Then feel her legs and how smooth they are...

She spends a fortune on lotions to keep herself soft and smelling like heaven.

You're getting so hard you could hammer nails with your boner...

So go ahead and try her out!

Feel how wet and tight she is for you...

It's like you stepped into a time machine. You're pounding her like you're back in your youthful, rock-hard prime...

And when you're done blowing the biggest load of your life, twenty minutes later she's stroking your cock and getting you ready for Round Two! 

It's the most intense sex you've had in years. In her eyes you aren’t just some “older man”'re her KING!

You might think this type of lifestyle is only for wealthy or famous men…

Or “sugar daddies” who pay women for their companionship.

(I don't judge guys who want to do that, but that's not my game.)

The women YOU choose will genuinely want to be with you...

And you’ll date the women you want not in spite of your age, but because of your age!

Now imagine this scenario...

The next time you get invited to a party, you walk in with a startling beauty on your arm.

The other men stop and look at her curvy hips and peachy, tight butt...

Her shiny, bouncy hair…luscious lips…bright, happy eyes and dazzling white smile… 

They're staring at her in awe...her body is like a magnet to their eyes... 

Until their fat frumpy wives grab their arms and scold them!

You almost feel sorry for the poor bastards, but then again... 

You’re used to getting jealous looks, because you “cracked the code” and live a lifestyle 97% of men can only fantasize about.

Maybe you’d like to date a woman who’s 5, 8, or 10 years younger…

Or maybe you’ll use this closely-guarded knowledge to date women who are much younger. 

This is my personal preference. 

I say you only live once... 

And in a moment I'm going to tell you how I went from a sexless marriage and a life of regret…

To dating all kinds of fun, stunning younger women...from bikini models to successful entrepreneurs...

By activating the primal sexual triggers that have been hard-coded into their female DNA for thousands of years. 

Best of all you’ll do this in an invisible “stealth” way...

So she’ll never know you’re pushing buttons inside of her that force her to feel irresistibly attracted to your "older man" qualities.

And this does more than get you unlimited sex. It "rewinds your clock" and makes you feel more confident and alive than you’ve felt in years!

This may sound like a fantasy...

But over 12,500 guys are doing this every day, thanks to this website.

I'm one of those guys. And I used to NEVER think this was possible... 

Because society tells us we don’t have the right to date whoever we want.

We're programmed to think it's "wrong" or "creepy" for an older guy to enjoy an amazing sex life with younger women. 

But this is nonsense and here's why... 

Did you know that in a recent study nearly 50% of young women said they prefer to date men who are older than them by a decade or more?

And that’s just the women who admit it.

The truth is, all women are wired to find older men attractive.

This is why older man-younger woman relationships are normal in Europe, Latin America and Asia...

But in Western countries like the USA, the politically correct mainstream media says it's “wrong.”

The reason they push this agenda is obvious...

It’s because feminists (especially age 35+) HATE the idea of younger, more desirable women taking the men who have the resources they want.  

Women know as they get older their value drops like a rock, while our value as men shoots up!

Now before we continue, I’m not saying ALL younger women are a dream to be with.

Some have “daddy issues” and can be too much drama.

But I can tell you after learning about the primal triggers I'll share with you in a moment...

And dating and sleeping with dozens of fun, horny, sensual younger women...

I've found that younger women are often mature beyond their years.

She wants a man of experience to treat her like a woman, not like a sex object.

She doesn’t get turned on by “soy boys” with their man buns and skinny pants…

Or immature guys her age who don't treat her right. 

She doesn't want men who are just trying to get in her panties and don’t offer any real value...  

Or only know how to chase after her like a slobbering puppy...

And if one of these man-boys does get her into bed he won't have a clue how to pleasure her.  

They Don’t Know The TRUTH About What Younger Women Crave!

Younger women want to be shown new things and places...

To grow in new ways...

To meet a man who takes an interest in her and cares about who she is…

A man who can expand her world, encourage her dreams and introduce her to new experiences.

You don't need to have money or Brad Pitt looks...

You don't need amazing stories to tell about climbing Mount Everest or saving orphans in Africa...

But you DO need to know How To Activate Her Primal Sexual Triggers.

Now let me tell you how I made this breakthrough discovery.   

Like I said, my name's Dave.

I'm 53 and I'm NOT a guy who "looks good for his age."  

I live in Las Vegas. I slave all day in a cubicle at an insurance company.

Not exactly a "cool" job that women love hearing about. 

And I was never a ladies man. I got married too young.

After nearly 25 years of being faithful to my wife, I found out she'd been screwing some jerk she met on Facebook.  

She divorced me, got the house, and left me broke.

A story you've heard a thousand times...  


But now here's where it starts to get interesting... 

Once I accepted my situation I started to imagine a brighter future... 

This could be my chance to enjoy the carefree single life I’d never had.  

I joined a website for local singles. They put me in the “45 and older” category. 

The parties were depressing...watching dorky middle-aged men trying to hit on over-the-hill single moms...

I went on a few dates, but these women kept talking about their kids, divorces, and shitty ex-husbands.

I didn’t want a woman who had enough baggage to sink the Titanic... 

I was eager to sample some of the younger hotties I saw every day.

I wanted to be with women who could make ME feel young again!

But how could I “connect” with younger women? I was worried I’d come off like some creepy old guy…

That’s when my divorced buddy Bernie offered to help.

He loaned me some books and videos from “dating coaches” who taught guys how to get good with women.

I started learning everything I could. I bought some courses, too… 

But when it came to using those “approaches” and “pickup techniques” in real-world situations, I felt like an idiot.

Those methods could work for younger guys. But they weren't suitable for a man my age. 

And I wanted to crawl under a rock whenever younger women asked me “The Big Question”…

“Aren’t you too old for me?”    

I had no idea how to answer that without sounding like a dumbass.

This was before I knew about tactics like The Age Gap Destroyer, so you can answer that question in a way that turns your age into your biggest ADVANTAGE.

I've got a bunch of these shockingly effective tactics to share with you, and we'll get to them in a moment... 

But back then, I felt frustrated and hopeless.  

I was starting to believe I had no chance with these women.   

Like the time Bernie dragged me to a nightclub... 

I bought some "trendy" new clothes to try to look cool, but I felt totally out of place.

Bernie pushed me to say hello to a cute blonde who must have been around 25...

I tried using one of the “opening lines” I’d learned from my pickup books…

But instead of it working like it was supposed to, she rolled her eyes and said... 

"Sorry, I don't talk to guys who look like my dad's lame friends."

Her friends burst out laughing as I slunk away in disgrace...

Then there was Vanessa, the knockout I’d been drooling over for months…

I’d joined a gym to try to sweat off some pounds, but I spent most of the time checking out girls...

Especially Vanessa. Watching her do squats gave me a bulge in my shorts!

I didn’t dare try to talk to that young goddess... 

But one Sunday afternoon, I was at the supermarket and she was in the produce section, picking out melons...

She was wearing a pair of workout shorts that would’ve given a dead man a boner!  

This time, I forced myself to "man up" and approach her...

I came up from behind and said “Um, hey, I’ve seen you, uh, at the gym…”

Vanessa turned around and glared at me as she held two big round melons against her chest.

The way I was grinning at her melons must have looked creepy, but I couldn’t help it... 

Suddenly her expression turned to rage and disgust. “Get away from me, you pervert!” she shrieked.

I put my hands up, backing off like she’d pulled a gun...

Then she yelled “GET HIM, BULLDOG!!” and some huge steroid freak covered in tattoos came out of nowhere and charged at me like he was going to rip my head off!

I backed up, tripped, and went crashing back through the spaghetti sauce display...

Next thing you know I was in a back room, detained by the store security, covered in meat sauce. 

I had to pay the store $238 in damages to keep from going to jail.

The “carefree single life” wasn’t quite what I’d imagined...  

And after crashing and burning with a few more girls, I was ready to give up… 

Until one night I was drowning my sorrows in my local bar and in
walked the man who would change my life forever...

He was maybe a few years older than me. White hair and glasses. 

He looked like the kind of guy who might do your taxes. 

He grabbed a drink and scanned the place... 

And his eyes locked in on two hotties in their early 30s sitting at the end of the bar. 

I’d seen them here before. Usually they were with their "bad boy" boyfriends, but tonight they were alone. 

“You know those two?” the guy asked me.

“They’ve got boyfriends,” I started to tell him…

But he was already heading towards them. This guy was on a mission...

He strolled over to the girls and said something I couldn’t hear, but it made them break out in laughter and smiles…

Then he was sitting with them and telling a story and they were hanging on his every word...

Then they were touching him, flirting...he had them eating out of the palm of his hand!

Now I was curious. What was this guy saying to them? 

I moved closer so I could listen in… 

And for the next 20 minutes, he put on a Master Class in how to MESMERIZE younger women!

This guy was in total control, teasing them and playfully “testing” them. 

And most surprisingly... 

Instead of trying to AVOID mentioning his age, he brought it up and used it to his advantage!  

He would refer to his age, rather than trying to hide it...

And he had this "cocky & funny" style they thought was the greatest thing ever... 

He'd say something to playfully "push them away" like...  

"It's a shame you ladies are way too young for me. This could never work." 

Or "It's too bad I swore off dating women your age."

But then he'd go back to flirting and he would "pull them back in" by paying them a compliment. 


Push them away/pull them back in...  

He was keeping them guessing. They never knew what he was going to do next... 

And they were loving every second! 

Later on, I would realize he was “framing” himself in a way that made the girls want to earn HIS approval instead of him trying to earn THEIR approval...

Which is the exact OPPOSITE of how most men talk to women they're hoping to impress.

But more on the tactics shortly, because I need to tell you what happened next... 

He said seven clever words to suggest they go back to his place…and the girls immediately agreed!

They just had to use the ladies room first...   

When they excused themselves from the table, I made my move. 

I went to him and said “Excuse me, I couldn’t help listening in...the way you talked to those girls was unbelievable. Where'd you learn how to do that?”

He looked me up and down and I guess he felt sorry for me, because he pulled out a business card and handed it to me.

“Maybe I can help you,” he said. “Get in touch with me sometime.”

Then the girls came out of the ladies room and strolled out the door with him.

This guy was my new hero!

The next night I was home alone drinking and remembering what I'd witnessed...

I pulled the guy’s business card out of wallet and looked at it again. 

He went by the name “Dr. Bob.” 

He was a Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the local university, whatever that meant.

I was drunk. And feeling more desperate than ever... 

So I pulled out my laptop and sent him an email. 

I wound up rambling and spilling out my whole story. I told him how my wife had left me for another man...

And how I wanted to enjoy my "single life" while I still had a functioning penis...

But I was striking out on the dating scene, especially with the women I preferred...YOUNGER women. 

I ended the email by telling him I didn't have much money...

But I was so impressed with his skills, if he would just grant me some of his time...and teach me...I'd pay him whatever I could. 

The next day, Dr. Bob emailed me back. 

We had some things in common. 

His wife of 22 years had cheated on him and left, like mine...

And he’d tried to meet new women, but he'd struggled like I did... 

Until he found the answers in the subject he'd been teaching for years...

Evolutionary Biology. 

This is the study of how species evolve over generations. 

Dr. Bob didn't want to explain the details in an email. 

He didn't want my money, but we suggested we could meet to discuss this further...

So on Friday night, we met on the Vegas Strip and after a few rounds of drinks...

He Told Me A Story About The Dawn Of Ancient Man... 

Let's go back to 10,000 years ago.

It was a harsh world where only the strongest survived.

Life was brutal and short.

The average life expectancy was 27.

If you lived until 40 you had superior genes.

If you made it into your 50s it meant you were a serious badass.

You’d survived plagues and diseases. 

You’d outsmarted saber toothed tigers and fought off barbarian attacks...

And all the young women in your tribe wanted YOU to bear their children...

Because your age was proof of your genetics, smarts and ability to survive.

This meant your offspring were also likely to have the strongest, healthiest genes...

So the most desirable, fertile females would FIGHT for the chance to be with you and have your child.

It had nothing to do with how you looked. 

It was about raw, primal mating instincts programmed into women by Mother Nature.

And then Dr. Bob dropped the bomb on me... 

Thousands of years later, these same primal instincts are still written deep into the Female DNA.

Life is completely different for us today. Women don’t need us to protect them from sex-crazed barbarians...

They don’t depend on us to trek through blizzards to slay wild beasts for food...

But the same ancient mate with an older man of HIGH VALUE...remains hard coded into their DNA.

Today, "high value" means something much different than it did 10,000 years ago.

It's about having wisdom. Experience. Knowledge. 

Being able to open up her world to new experiences. 

Being confident and secure in who you are. 

Having a direction and a purpose in life. 

Being a decision-maker and a leader instead of "going with the flow" or following the pack. 

These are all qualities that younger guys lack...

And that younger women find naturally attractive.

These are qualities of a superior sexual mate in today's world. 

But the simple fact that you are older is not enough.

And this is why...  

You've got to make her brain "recall" these instincts, and you do this by activating her primal triggers.

This is the genius of what Dr. Bob figured out. 

Through his thousands of hours of research and field testing...

He took literally hundreds of attraction and seduction techniques and experimented with them on younger women. 

A lot of them simply didn't work... 

Because many of the techniques being taught in the "pickup" books and courses are not suitable for older men interacting with younger women. 

It's one of the reasons I had failed so badly. 

And if you've tried using "pickup" techniques and they haven't worked for you, it's not your fault either...  

Because the methods that work for a 25 year old guy aren't going to work the same for a 40 year old... 

And they can be embarrassing when used by a man in his 50s. 

But when you're armed with the RIGHT techniques to capitalize on your age and activate her primal triggers... 

Her primal brain will recognize your high value. 

She senses that you can open her up to new experiences.

She subconsciously knows you have resources to offer that go way beyond looks or money. 

You can be a mentor. A guru. Her sexual teacher.

So the question is, how do you activate these triggers? 

I promise I'll get to that in a moment, but first... 

Dr. Bob was about to give me a mind-blowing live demonstration...

That night, as we bounced from spot to spot along the Vegas Strip, I watched Dr. Bob charm at least 10 younger women…

Using “trigger words” and “push/pull phrases” to playfully control every conversation and frame himself as a man who was cool, fun and interesting...

But "high value," too. He made the girls want to earn a spot on HIS team. 

He'd chat them up, create some chemistry, then add them to his Facebook or get their phone number in a clever irresistible way.

He even made out with a couple of them! 

Then, as we took a break to have a drink at a casino bar, Dr. Bob explained the "proposition" he had in mind for me. 

He said he was planning to write an academic research paper on his findings. 

Of course, it wouldn't include any of the dirty details about how he was seducing these women. 

His paper would be about the "evolutionary triggers" that still attract younger women to older partners.  

To complete his research, he wanted some test subjects who could try out some of his ideas and prove they worked for ALL men - not just him.   

He wanted to know, would I be interested in helping him? 

I answered immediately: "Hell Yes!"  

And For The Next 30 Days, I Put His Methods To The Test...

Night #1: Dr. Bob took me to a cocktail lounge and drilled me on the importance of MINDSET.

In a short amount of time, he "re-wired" my thought process...about how I viewed younger women, and how I viewed myself. 

Then he taught me a new technique he was working on...

And directed me to a blonde, big-breasted hottie.   

I stood exactly the right distance from her, and used a body language move he’d shown me…

Then I looked her in the eyes and used a “trigger phrase" which made her smile and blush.

Within 60 seconds we were sitting together... 

I briefly touched her in that one “innocent spot” Dr. Bob had shown me, while asking her a five-word question

She blinked her beautiful blue eyes and licked her lips…

Twirled her hair and looked me up and down…

And said, “What if I come to your house and we watch a movie or something?”

Thirty minutes later, we were in my bed... 

And she was riding me so hard and screaming so loud, I was worried my neighbors might call the cops!

The next day as she got dressed, she said “I don’t know what came over me…”

But I knew. The primal trigger phrases had worked their magic…

Night #2: I met Dr. Bob at a Mexican restaurant/bar. 

He taught me a "stealth" ice breaker that contained a hidden trigger phrase…

And I used it on a voluptuous 23 year old Latina.  

I would have considered her TOTALLY out of my league a month ago. 

She played it cool at first…

But after five minutes of me using Sexual Cold Reads (I'll explain more about this technique below) she was talking faster…

After ten minutes she was visibly excited and getting horny…

And after 15 minutes of me "stroking her triggers," she could no longer
control herself...

She grabbed my head, pulled me close, and started making out with me!

When I felt her hand massaging my boner through my pants, I used a six-word trigger phrase that gets a girl home with you in an "innocent" way...

And that night, back at my apartment, it was like the Sexual Olympics again. 

I banged her twice that night and again in the morning. 

(The last time I had sex three times in 24 hours, I was HER age!)  

As we lay in bed afterwards and she stroked my chest, she purred to me (in her adorable accent) how much she enjoyed being with me.

She told me how tired she was of guys her age, who hit on her aggressively.

They didn't listen. They talked about themselves and their big “plans” that were mostly bullshit.

She hated when they’d text her late at night for a "booty call." 

Guys her age were always making her feel disrespected… 

And I was seeing why older guys like us really DO have the "edge"...

Dr. Bob was thrilled when I reported my results back to him...

I'd slept with eight women over the past 30 days. 

All of them were what I would call "high quality." 

All of them wanted to see me again for dating...or more sex...whatever I wanted.

I would've had ZERO chance with any of these girls if I hadn't been learned about their primal triggers. 

Dr. Bob said he wanted more test subjects, so I started showing some of my friends how this is done... 

And their results were astonishing, also…

Like Adam, my 46 year old friend who’d hadn’t gotten laid since the end of his long-term relationship…

But after a few nights of using the primal trigger words on girls he met on internet sites...

He hooked up with a smoking hot 28 year old who is now his devoted girlfriend.

Then there was Johnny, my co-worker who was still in love with his younger ex-wife after she'd left him.

He used these same tactics to make her come back and ask HIM for another chance.

Johnny is back together with her, but now...with his mindset...she treats him like a King.

When my friends began to share their success stories with their friends, this went "viral."

I started receiving dozens of Facebook messages from random men asking me for advice.

For a while, I enjoyed helping these other guys and seeing them get amazing results, too...

But eventually the number of requests became overwhelming.

I still had a full time job and a jam-packed social life of my own! 

But it was now very obvious to me, this was information that MANY men needed.  

It wasn't just guys looking to get laid... 

I was showing guys how to regain their confidence and happiness.

I was helping men bounce back from devastating breakups and find love again. 

I was "paying it forward" and helping my fellow man. 

And this is when a mysterious "seduction legend" emerged from the shadows…

Late one night I was laying in bed, checking my phone. 

I'd just sent Chera home. She was a 26 year old Asian hottie who ran her own marketing business.  

(I don't want you to think I'm only banging strippers and cocktail waitresses, ok?)

A year ago, I would have crawled naked over a mile of broken glass to have a girl like Chera stay the night with me. 

Now I just wanted to get some sleep...and give my exhausted dick a rest! 

That's when a Facebook call came in from Dean Cortez.

I answered the call because I recognized his name immediately.  

You probably do too if you've studied pickup or seduction over the past 15 years.

Dean was one of the innovators in that industry back in the day and put out a bunch of legendary books and courses.

I'd also heard that he'd been retired from "the game" for years... 

But as Dean told me on our call, one of guys I'd helped out on Facebook had written a post about it... 

And had explained his success using the "younger women tactics" I'd shared...

And Dean had seen the post. 

He said my tactics were brilliant and he was curious to know how I'd come up with them. 

I told him about Dr. Bob, his knowledge of Evolutionary Biology, and our nights in Las Vegas...

So now Dean was fascinated.  

He asked if he could sit down with us for a chat.  

A week later he hopped on a plane to Vegas and and me, him and Dr. Bob were sitting down together to hatch a plan...

A way to get this knowledge out to the men who needed it...

And to package it all together in a way that would make it easy for ANY man to learn this and put into action. 

And that's how it came together: the only system for men who want to become massively confident and successful with younger women. 

Dean Cortez had left the industry years ago because he felt he had nothing more to say about "pickup" or "dating advice"...

But as he got into his mid 40s, he realized the rules of "the game" change for men. Especially men who want to succeed with younger women. 

He'd spent the last few years working on new tactics for his own use, and he was having great success...

But they worked for HIM. 

He was already an expert in the art of seduction. His didn't know if his tactics would work for the average man.

But when he heard about Dr. Bob's methods and read about the results... 

He knew this was the breakthrough that all men our age need. 

He was so excited he even offered to contact many of his fellow coaches and trainers in the dating & seduction industry who ranged in age from their late 30s to their 40s, 50s and 60s. 

Dean used his connections to get them to contribute their most powerful tactics & techniques. 

The amount of material he gathered from this "A-Team" of worldwide experts was astounding...

And after six months of intense work, I’m thrilled to share this with you... 

It's Called "Secrets Of Dating Younger Women"...

And it's the world’s only system that brings together the secret knowledge of the world's top dating, seduction and pickup experts... 

To give you the ONLY roadmap you will ever need, to handle your dating life once and for all. 

This brand new system includes ebooks, videos and MP3 audio files which you can access right away on your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

Note, this system is 100% digital. You don't need to wait for anything to arrive in the mail. There are no shipping costs. 

This is designed specifically for men like us, and there's nothing else like it out there...

Because it lays out a complete step by step blueprint for success with younger women, using your age and experience as your greatest advantage.

James P. from Toronto had this to say…

"I was recovering from surgery and there was this KNOCKOUT babe named Sandy who worked at my physical rehab facility. She's 29 and surely had guys her age swarming all over her. I used the ‘triggers’ in your system and one thing led to another…while I'm typing you this email, she's sleeping beside me in my bed. I finished my rehab last week but I will continue to be with Sandy. She’s my girlfriend now and she treats me like a King.”

Secrets Of Dating Younger Women includes uncensored interviews with the best minds in the dating and seduction industries about attracting, dating and enjoying the best sex of your life with younger women.

Inside the system, you’ll discover…

How to rewire your mindset for unstoppable confidence, so this becomes a natural part of your new lifestyle and stress and anxiety become a distant memory...  
The fastest ways to expand your social & activity circles so that you constantly bring more younger women into your life  
How to avoid the deadly mistakes other guys make that create that unattractive “old guy vibe.” Most men blow it in the first 10 seconds and never get a second chance. You’ll be in control right from the start…
The "Cocky & Funny" way to talk to women so that she sees you as charming, in command, and most of all DIFFERENT. (Being "boring and predictable" is the kiss of death and now you'll NEVER be those things) 
The smartest ways to display your most attractive "older man" qualities, so that you activate her triggers without ever sounding like you're bragging or trying to impress her 
The top "target rich environments" for meeting quality younger women (online and offline) and rejection-proof strategies to control the conversation in any situation
How to flip the “desire switch” in the minds of younger women (once you flip it to "on,"  she sees you as a potential sexual mate and feels a need to prove herself worthy of YOU)
The critical difference between displaying youthfulness (which is attractive) and trying to "act young” (which makes you seem like you’re trying too hard)
A simple "conversation blueprint" that showcases your best qualities and allows you playfully "tease" and "challenge" her, which builds sexual tension (in a good way)
Going "stealth mode" so that you can initiate and control a conversation and the outcome, without her ever knowing you are using a little-known psychological mind control technique (please use this responsibly)
How to bring your age into the conversation and HER age in a way that frames you as a high-value man, and makes her want to "earn a spot in your world" (98% of guys have this backwards)
Websites that few men know about, yet they’re GOLD MINES for meeting fun, adventurous younger women who are actively seeking older boyfriends (and they are NOT gold diggers) 
"Copy & paste" examples of brilliantly written dating profiles you can use to effortlessly attract dozens of quality younger women, while weeding out the women you DON'T want in your world. 

This is just a tiny fraction of what you're about to discover inside Secrets Of Dating Younger Women.

Check out what Gerard from Holland had to say about this game-changing system…

“Thank you for this, it's been so good for me. I wasn't looking to and shag a hundred girls, I wanted to know how to get myself a sexy girlfriend for a relationship. After going through the system within 10 days I met Daisy - I'm 42, she's 25. My mates think I'm a rock star and their wives hate me, lol. I never would be so happy if I didn't use Secrets Of Dating Younger Women." 

This system is for men who have decided they want more from life than the mediocrity most guys settle for.

It’s for men who value their time and don’t want to waste YEARS of their lives trying to figure this out on their own, hoping to get it right through a lot of frustration and trial and error…

It’s also for men who are smart enough to want a huge advantage over other men in the dating marketplace.

I know you want instant access to this easy new system, and now you're probably wondering about the cost...

Before we get to that, I can tell you the price is probably way less than you’re expecting.

But first let me ask you...

How much would it be worth to you to be able to start a new life today because you'll have the confidence and skills to seduce any beautiful girl you encounter? 

Can you put a price tag on enjoying a fantasy sex life that 97% of men our age can only dream about...and this will be your new reality for the rest of your life?   

I love the feeling of calm relaxation because I know I can get all the sex I want now...

And if I see a beautiful girl I want to talk to, I don't hesitate. I just do it...

Because I know her "triggers" and I already know the right words to say. 

You’ll feel younger, more alive, and 10 times more confident when you know this…

And it's why marketing experts told me I’d be crazy to charge less than $497 for this system.

After all, dating experts charge more than twice that for one day of coaching or a seminar...

Yet Secrets Of Dating Younger Women combines the best advice and secrets from more than a DOZEN top coaches and so much more.

You should also consider how much money you'll throw away if you keep trying to meet and date women the "regular" way...

And that's not even taking into account the time you'll waste...

On internet chats that go nowhere and dates that don't lead to sex...

Or worst of all, relationships with the wrong women because you settled for less than what you deserve... 

Wouldn't it make a whole lot of sense to learn these time saving, rejection proof shortcuts instead? 

If you add up all of the materials inside this breakthrough system, $497 would be more than a fair price... 

But I'm not going to ask you to pay anything close to that.

I’m not even going to ask you to pay half of that…

Or even a quarter of that. 

Your only investment today is a refundable deposit in the amount of $497 $47.

And you can order today with complete confidence, knowing you're risking absolutely nothing...

Because you're protected by a 100% Money Back Guarantee, good for a full 60 days. 

This means if for some reason (or for NO reason) you decide you want a refund, we'll give your payment right back to you.

Every penny. No questions asked. 

So there's no reason to NOT grab the system. Swipe the secrets. Experience the results for yourself.

You've got a full 60 days to decide if you want your minimal deposit back.

You’ll see how to contact our friendly Customer Support team once you enter our Members Area...

And if you do wish to claim a refund, all you need to do is email them.

I wouldn't be able to make you this bold promise if I wasn't 100% confident in the results this system delivers. 

As far as I know, the only customers who've requested refunds are guys who never bothered to go through the materials. 

Maybe they got sidetracked with other stuff. That's okay. Like I said, our refund policy is "No Questions Asked." 

But I sincerely hope you will go through these materials and implement what you learn. 

I've made it as easy as possible for you to get started and zip through the lessons quickly... 

And then I hope you'll join the thousands of men who've written me to say "thanks"...

Like Kevin D. from Boston, Massachusetts…

“I didn’t think this could work for a guy like me. I’m 60 and I didn't think I'd date again after my divorce, much less score a gorgeous 33 year old fiancee! I never had it this good!”

And now, since you've come this far with me, I’m going to make this deal even sweeter…

I Know You’re Serious About Your Success, So When You Try This System Today I’m Going To Include These Digital Bonuses For Free…

Bonus #1: Sexual Activation Words

Along with the Secrets Of Dating Younger Women system, you'll get this digital bonus which shows you more high-powered trigger words & phrases which shift the conversation beyond boring "chit chat" and create fast sexual chemistry. 

You'll never wonder "what to say next" when you've got these tools in your kit to spark fun and hypnotic conversations. 

Bonus #2: Rewire Your Brain For Unstoppable Success With Women

Destroy your anxieties and reprogram your mind so that you move through the world like a dominant Alpha. From now on, pursue what you desire without fear or shame. 

This bonus guide gives you the actual ACTION STEPS to elevate your mindset for greater success with women...which translates into more success in business, your career, and with other goals. 

Bonus #3: Sexual Framing 

She's young. She's hot. This means every day of her life she has boring boneheads trying to talk to her. 

So how do you stand out from the pack? 

One of the keys is mastering the art of Sexual Framing. With these clever tips you'll inject playful, flirtatious energy that leads the conversation down the path to SEX.  

Bonus #4: Sexual Teasing 

The average guy tries to find things in common with a girl and say the right things to earn her approval. 

But not us. We're turning the tables and when you do this right, women find it fascinating and VERY attractive. 

In this bonus you'll learn how to tease and challenge her so she feels the need to earn your approval.

The question isn't whether you're worthy. It's whether SHE is worthy of being with a man of your high value. 

Bonus #5: Sexual Cold Reading

Many students say this is their favorite bonus.

Cold reads are one of the fastest ways to captivate a girl's attention and make her feel a connection with you. 

You know how psychics and palm readers can tell a person they just met personal details about themselves? 

There's actually nothing "supernatural" about it. They use a technique known as "cold reading" and this bonus reveals how you can use it with women. 

For example, you size a girl up and use a Cold Read such as... 

"You have this innocent, little girl smile. But I can tell you've also got a wild, naughty side..."

Or, "You have this tough, serious exterior but on the inside you're a lot more sensitive than most people know..."

(She'll agree 98% of the time, and this allows you to steer the conversation into all kinds of cool areas.) 

Cold Reads make her feel "understood" by you a way she never feels with a guy she just met.

Dive into this bonus to discover the rest. A lot of guys say this bonus alone is worth the price of the system.  

You get all FIVE of those bonuses (valued at $367) when you try out Secrets Of Dating Younger Women today... 

And you're only hearing about a small sample of what you'll find inside the system, which also reveals... 

How to embody the rock-solid mindset and body language of an authentic, masculine MAN (which is massively attractive to women especially in today's "pussified" culture) 
How to inspire the younger women you date to "level up" in their own lives and achieve their own ambitions (this is one of the most powerful ways to make her feel deeply bonded to you) 
The importance of making her feel safe and secure - physically, emotionally and through building trust (do this, and you'll win her loyalty forever)  
The number one erotic fantasy young women want to experience with older men. Just hint you can do this and she’ll fantasize about doing it with you until you give it to her   
A psychological technique that makes her picture herself in a romantic relationship with you, even if you just met (she will imagine the AMAZING future possibilities)  
How to tap into her #1 core desire as a younger woman and fulfill this desire like no other man ever has 
How to be her King - the only man she admires and respects in her life without question   
How to quickly spot "gold diggers" or girls in search of a "BBD" (Bigger Better Deal). If you don't mind playing the "money game," go for it, but otherwise here is how to avoid it... 
How to be her "drug" that she can't get enough of - an authentic man who is gentle, caring and protective but with an  unpredictable edge that keeps her on her toes... 

Over 12,500 men around the world have learned the Secrets of Dating Younger Women, and they're sending me emails every day to rave about their results…

Now you've got the opportunity in front of you to get immediate access for a fraction of what other men will soon pay for it. 

This insanely discounted price of just $497 $47 is in effect until we reach our predetermined number of sales...

After that, the price goes up... 

And this might happen a few days from now. Or it could happen in an hour or two...

Because the word is now spreading like wildfire on social media...  

So I strongly suggest you grab your chance right now, since you may NEVER get this much value, for such a low price, ever again.

Click the yellow button below that says "Yes! Order Now," and on the next page you will submit your payment details.

It only takes 30 seconds, tops. 

Then with one click, your payment will be processed by CLICKBANK, our secure payment processor which handles over 100,000 transactions daily. 

Your personal details will be kept confidential...

And within seconds, you'll be taken to our private Members Area where you can view or download your materials right away.

It can't possibly be any safer, faster or easier.  

Go ahead, click the yellow button below, and I'll see you on the inside.  

And if you're wondering WHY this is priced so shockingly low…

It's because I know what it feels like to WANT this help and to NEED it.  

That's why I want to get this breakthrough info into the hands of as many men as possible...

And I'd keep the price this low forever, if I could...

But I'm a regular guy with bills to pay, and operating this website...and paying hosting fees and my Customer Support takes money.

At this price point, I'm not doing much better than breaking even. 

I will need to raise the price soon, and marketing consultants have told me that $497 would be more than fair. 

So I don't want you to miss out on this. Go ahead and get started. 

Click the yellow button below, fill out your details on the next page, and you'll have all of these secrets laid out on your screen less than 60 seconds from now.

You know life will be so much more fun and exciting when you're making new connections every day with sexy younger women who are eager to spend more time with you... 

And you'll feel like a badass when your friends are impressed and amazed by the hot women you're hanging out with.

They'll want to know "your secrets." It will be up to you if you want to share...  

You want this and it's just one click away, but you have to act now.

And you can make this small investment with total confidence, due to our No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.

If you take Secrets Of Dating Younger Women for a test drive, and you aren’t absolutely thrilled with the results you're getting within 60 days... 

If you don't have pictures on your phone of at least one STUNNER you're sleeping with, thanks to the primal triggers you learned about in this system...

Then I insist you email my 24-hour Customer Support team at any time over the next 60 days, and ask to have your deposit returned in full.

You’ll get it back, every penny, No Questions Asked.

Once you submit your details on the next page, you'll get instant access to all of the materials. 

On your next billing statement, you'll see a charge from ClickBank, which is one of the most trusted payment processors on the internet.

It won't say anything about “Dating Younger Women.” 

Your privacy is important to us and your personal details are kept confidential.

Then within seconds, you'll have complete access to the Secrets Of Dating Younger Women system.

Remember, in addition to the main system, you're also getting $367 worth of bonuses... 

Bonus #1: Sexual Activation Words
Bonus #2: Rewire Your Brain For Unstoppable Success With Women 
Bonus #3: Sexual Framing
Bonus #4: Sexual Teasing
Bonus #5: Sexual Cold Reading

You're seconds away from having access to all of these uncensored files... 

But once we've reached our predetermined number of sales, this page will be taken down...

And the next time you see this system, it will cost $497 at a bare minimum and will NOT include the bonuses. 

So you've got a decision to make...

Although by now you've read enough to know this isn't much of a decision at all...

This is a risk-free opportunity to instantly level up your dating life, sex life and happiness...  

But I want this to be crystal clear in your mind...

So let me paint a picture for you...  

Imagine you’re standing at a fork in the road and there are three paths ahead to choose from...

Path #1 continues straight ahead. This is the same path you've been on.

You will continue to get the same results you've been getting.

Your sex life remains the same... 

Your mindset stays the same... 

The same "limiting beliefs" keep holding you back.

Your confidence won't improve. Actually, as time goes on it gets worse... 

Because instead of knowing how to use your age as an advantage, you see your age as a handicap...

A reason for women to NOT want you. 

And the older you get, the FASTER time flies by.    

Your next option is Path #2. 

This means using what you’ve learned on this page to go out there and "wing it." 

I revealed some powerful secrets on this page.   

Now you understand why your age can be your biggest advantage. 

You learned about the "primal triggers."

You learned some tactics, too... 

And you should feel better knowing that dating younger women isn't just a possibility...

It actually becomes FUN and EASY once you've got the right tools to activate their triggers.

But you know, you're still missing a lot of important pieces of the puzzle.

You'll have a lot of "trial and error" ahead.

So many wasted opportunities. 

The countless stunning girls who have walked through your life... 

Girls you would have loved to meet...

Girls you would have done anything to sleep with... 

But you didn't know what to say...

You weren't sure what to do... 

And before you could some up with something...

POOF! She's gone. 

And as you get older, it gets more painful every time it happens... 

And this is why Path #3 is the only choice that makes sense... 

This is the path where you make it easy on yourself. 

It's where you make the best investment in the world: investing in YOURSELF. 

You get instant access to the Secrets Of Dating Younger Women system plus $367 worth of bonuses for free…

And all of the tools and tactics will be on your screen less than 60 seconds from now...

Taught to you by over a dozen of the best experts in the industry. 

You can access the system and the bonuses anytime on your computer, tablet or phone...

So it's like carrying around in your pocket the combined knowledge of more than a dozen of the world's best dating experts and seduction coaches.  

Imagine checking your phone & social media next Friday night and instead of seeing no new messages…

You've got multiple messages and sexy pictures from hot younger women who are eager to hang out with you.

The only decision you need to make is which girl you want to be with tonight!  

Imagine how much more exciting your life will be 30 days from now...

The bulletproof confidence you'll feel when you're getting laid as much as you want, anytime you want, with women who truly excite you... 

Women who are so sensual and passionate you can't help feeling BAD for your friends who would give ANYTHING to switch places with you for a weekend... 

And the benefits are truly endless... 

Because for men like us, having unlimited access to sex with beautiful women is like discovering the "fountain of youth"...

It makes us feel younger...

It elevates our energy, confidence, vitality and lust for life…

It makes us mentally sharper, more focused and motivated... 

It calms us down and eliminates stress, so we stop sweating the small stuff... 

And it commands respect from our fellow men and the admiration of our friends.  

Now it's time to take control and join the thousands of men who feeling young, energized and bursting with confidence again... 

Remember, the billing is private and discreet. 

The access is instant.

You'll have the entire system AND the bonuses on your computer, tablet or phone less than 60 seconds from now... 

And you have everything to gain and nothing to lose, because you're protected by our Risk-Free 100% Money Back Guarantee.

You don’t want to end up an old man filled with regrets because you couldn’t bring yourself to take this one small action.

I’m not even asking you to say “yes” right now…I'm just asking you to say “maybe.”

You'll have 60 full days for me to prove I can deliver the goods.

I've staked my reputation on it.

It's time for you to stop settling for women you're not excited about...

And discover the secrets that will make beautiful, high quality girls fall in love with you and fulfill your every need...

And indulge your every fantasy. 

Just give me one ounce of your trust and I’ll make sure to take you the rest of the way.

Click the yellow button below to get started...

And I look forward to hearing your success story very soon.

Frequently Asked Questions About
“Secrets Of Dating Younger Women”

Maybe you’ve still got a question or two. Let me answer some of the most common questions that we receive... 

Q: How soon will I receive the materials?

To make this as convenient and inexpensive as possible, Secrets Of Dating Younger Women is 100% digital. The system consists of ebooks, videos and mp3 audio files. 

You don't need to wait for a package. Nothing is being shipped to you in the mail. As soon as you complete your order on the next page, you’ll be taken to the Members Area of our website where you will get instant access to the system and all of the bonuses.

You can be learning these secrets seconds from now, and you can return to our Members Area anytime you like. If you carry a smartphone, you can pull out your phone and view the materials whenever you want a quick refresher. If you want to print out the ebooks so that you have "hard copies" to read, you can do that too.

Q: I'm a MUCH older man. Will this work for me?

I suppose if you're so old your dick shoots dust, this system might not work for you. 

If you’re so old and in such poor health that you’re bedridden, you won't get much use out of these tactics. 

Otherwise, I've seen tons of men who used to think of themselves as "too old" get fantastic results.

I'm 53 and I regularly sleep with women who are in their 20s. A lot of women my age think that's weird or gross. I say it's awesome! And the women I'm with sure aren't complaining. 

I have plenty of students in their 60s and beyond. "Old" is nothing but a state of mind as long as you keep yourself in reasonable physical condition. (These younger women DO require sex on a fairly regular basis.) 

I'll also say this about being a "much older man" - in my opinion, dating beautiful younger women is the best anti-aging strategy of all. 

So unless your age is preventing you from meeting women and having sex with them, forget about being "too old." The only thing you should be concerned about is whether these younger women have what it takes to be with YOU! 

Q: What if I want a relationship?

In most cases, once you learn how to activate a younger woman's primal sexual triggers, you can decide where you want the  relationship to go. 

Do you want to "play the field" and date multiple women? 

Do you want a "sex buddy" for no-strings-attached hookups? 

Or are you seeking a relationship with one woman, and possibly a lifetime companion? 

It's great to have the power to choose. Click the yellow button below to get immediate access to the system, and start learning how to activate these triggers right away. This will put the power in your hands. 

Q: What if I’ve never been lucky with women?

It doesn't matter, because what you're going to learn in this system has nothing to do with luck or "getting lucky."

You're going to discover how to activate primal sexual triggers that have been hard wired into the female mind for thousands of years. 

When you do this correctly, your age stops being a reason for her to disqualify you, and it can become your greatest advantage.  

Your relationship history doesn't matter, either. Some of my students never had a serious relationship before learning this system. Many other students were married for many years and used this system after getting divorced. 

Your age right now is irrelevant. It's never too late! Now is the best time to make a fresh start and invest in your happiness.

Click the yellow button below and seconds from now, I'll see you in our Members Area so we can get started. 

Q: Is my credit card safe?

Definitely. When you click the yellow button below, you will be taken to our order form where you will enter your credit card details. (You can also use Paypal if you want to.) 

We do not keep your credit card info. Your payment will be processed by Clickbank, which is one of the biggest payment processors on the internet (they process more than 100,000 secure & encrypted transactions every day.)

This is actually safer than doing a transaction in a store, since there won't be any employee handling your card.  

You can also be assured that your privacy will be protected. Nothing about this product will appear on your billing statement. You will see a charge from "CLICKBANK," and that's it.

Q: Can I trust your Money Back Guarantee? 

Yes, our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee can absolutely be trusted. In fact, you can claim your refund in two different ways:

#1. You can send an email to our Customer Support team. Once you complete your purchase and are taken to our Members Area, you will see our customer support email address. 

You can send an email to this address at any time over the next 60 days to request your refund. Please make sure to include your email receipt from Clickbank so that we can verify your purchase and process your refund correctly. 

#2. You may also request your refund from directly. They will also issue a refund, no questions asked. So in the unlikely event that our Customer Support does not respond to you promptly, you can contact Clickbank, show them your email receipt, and they will issue your refund. 

Remember, our refund policy is truly "no questions asked." You don't need to give a reason or explain why. You just ask for your money back, and as long as it's within 60 days of your purchase, you get it back. 

Q: How fast will I get results?

It depends on how fast you go through the materials and implement them. 

I’ve known of students who got laid the very next day after purchasing the system. Other guys never bothered to go through it, so they got zero results.

(Those guys really boggle my mind. Please do NOT invest in this system if you have no intention of looking at the materials or enjoying the incredible benefits. This isn't some "magic pill," okay?)

Remember, you're completely covered by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Two months (60 days) should be more than enough time for you to through the materials and experience some awesome results. 2-3 weeks would be more typical. 

But in any event, you're not risking anything because at any time over the next 60 days you can receive a refund, no questions asked.  

I would however urge you to grab your copy of the system today (and the $363 worth of free bonuses), as this website is now receiving a lot of traffic and copies are going fast. Once we reach our pre-determined number of sales the price will be raised and most (if not all) of the bonuses will no longer be included in the package.

Click the yellow button below and take the system for a test drive, 100% risk free. 

Before you know it, you'll have a success story to share. Like Steven from Brisbane, Australia…

"Secrets Of Dating Younger Women has been a REVELATION. We all know it's common for rich, famous, or powerful men to be with beautiful young women, but I never thought it would be possible for an average fellow like me to have this kind of fun. My mates swear I must be paying for their companionship, but I'm not! My new girlfriend, Amanda, is an absolute stunner, 27 years old, a full 20 years younger than I am, and has her own business. I never would have known how to attract her if I hadn't learned your methods, which make it all so easy."

So there you have it. I've laid out the entire system. I've answered all of the questions.

Now it's time for you to take action, knowing you're risking nothing and getting instant access.

Remember, your order today is completely risk-free and guaranteed for a full 60 days.

You either get amazing results,  or I insist that you send me an email and collect your full refund.

I think you'll agree this offer is more than fair...

And you'll got everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. 

So there's just one thing left to do...  

Click the button below and I’ll see you on the inside.

RTMC Media Inc - All Rights Reserved

Wait! Save $20 Now With This Voucher

This is your final chance to get your hands on the brand new system that is helping over 12,500 men enjoy more sex & hotter sex with beautiful, exciting younger women. Click the green button to claim an instant $20 discount.

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